The International Financial Crisis of 2008-2009 Facing the Congolese Economy


  • Marcel Kamba Kibatshi Department of Economics, Institute of Sociology, Faculty of Historical and Social Sciences, University of Cardinal Stephane Wyszynski in Warsaw



financial crisis, global financial crisis, Central Bank of Congo


This article describes the international financial crisis of 2008-2009 facing the Congolese economy. The international financial crisis has created serious dangers for the Congolese economy in terms of job losses and declining quality of life. This article describes the global economic crisis and its direct impact in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The economic and financial crisis is global and it also affects the most vulnerable countries such as African countries. This is true since it is generally accepted that the economic situation has an influence on the social situation. Indeed, although the crisis was triggered by events in the US real estate market, it has spread to all regions of the world, with disastrous consequences for trade, growth and economic growth. global investments. In the Democratic Republic of Congo, the rapidly advancing global financial crisis is taking over businesses, mines, jobs, income and livelihoods. Time is running out and decisive action can not wait.

Author Biography

  • Marcel Kamba Kibatshi, Department of Economics, Institute of Sociology, Faculty of Historical and Social Sciences, University of Cardinal Stephane Wyszynski in Warsaw


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How to Cite

Kibatshi, M. K. (2018). The International Financial Crisis of 2008-2009 Facing the Congolese Economy. Journal of Advance Research in Business, Management and Accounting (ISSN: 2456-3544), 4(8), 26-36.

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