Social Media, Academic performance, Lecturers, Students, Students, Tertiary InstitutionsAbstract
This study evaluates the effects of the use of Social Media on students’ academic performance in tertiary institutions of Adamawa State. Four objectives were formulated for the research. A self-design questionnaire was used as the instrument of data collection. 700 questionnaires were administered to the lecturers and students in the tertiary institutions while the respondent was randomly selected in the study area. Out of the 700 questionnaires distributed, 636 number were retrieved representing 90.86% of the total. The result shows that 66.3% of the students agreed that they frequently use Social Media during lectures and 79.8% of the respondents agreed that the use of Social Media during lectures affects their concentration. It was recommended among others that Students should devote more time to their studies, than to social media and that schools should put in place a measure that will control the use of handsets, especially when the lecture is going on and that addictiveness be reduced.
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