Pathfinder Associative Networks for the Validation of Improvement in Information Security Teaching
pathfinder associative networks, digital storytelling, theory of nuclear concepts, teaching changesAbstract
This article presents the experience of Digital Storytelling realized in the ECTS tutorials of the Information Security subject in order to evaluate the development and evolution of students' knowledge through similarity analysis with Pathfinder networks, questionnaires of satisfaction, and qualitative analysis of the open question evaluations, object of this work, with the final purpose of being able to triangulate the obtained results and to verify the validity of the same ones. Consequently, in this experiment, it is determined that the use of Digital Storytelling in the classroom improves the relationship of very complex concepts that students establish.
Website Visited Training.html
Books Reviewed:
Back, Kurt W. Beyond Words: The Story of Sensitivity Training and the Encounter Movement. 2nd ed. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Books, 1987.
Golembiewski, Robert T., and Arthur Blumberg, eds. Sensitivity Training and the Laboratory Approach: Readings about Concepts and Applications. 2nd ed. Itasca, IL: F.E. Peacock Publishers, Inc., 1973.
Green, Thad B., and Raymond T. Butkus. Motivation, Beliefs and Organizational Transformation. Westport, CT: Quorum Books, 1999.
Hornestay, David. "Sensitivity Training Can Strike A Nerve." Government Executive 33, no. 2 (February 2001): 73.
Lakin, Martin. Interpersonal Encounter: Theory and Practice in Sensitivity Training. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1972.
"Sensitivity Training." In Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential. Brussels: Union of International Associations, 1994

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