A Review on Java Servlets vs. Java Applets
Java Applets, Java Servlets, ReviewAbstract
Servlet technology is one of the leading web development technologies in the recent years due to its safety, portability, efficiency and elegance in design. They are platform and protocol-independent server side components, which run as part of a network service and dynamically extend Javaenabled servers. An applet on the other hand, is a Java program that can be embedded in an HTML page and executed by a Java enabled browser. It can be used for sharing resource data on enterprise intranets and for web page enhancements. Servlets used along with applets can be used for dynamic web content generation. The paper tries to analyze Java Servlets and Java Applets, their capabilities and limitations.
ELE548 Research Essay: Topic 3 Java Applets vs. Java Servlets by Zhengqiang Shan, April 12,1999 at http://www.ele.uri.edu/Courses/ele548/sp99/shan_top3.pdf
http://www.developer.com/news/techfocus/021698 servlet.html

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