Photography: Pariah of Art or Outpost of Creativity?


  • Ralf G. Will



In my 5-pointer Theory of Art, personality plays an integral part. Could also be called historical background of artist, or the humanising of ignorance, rejection and cold-shoulderd aloofness. Personality forms a range of experiences that build character, showcasing individual identity and creative choice. And viewed over a longer period of time, the artist`s overall message can also be termed personality. Even stand for a specific streak of creative life that may not have looked as such when it first started out or when it passed the half-way mark, huffing, puffing, struggling along, catching its breath from plenty strain and stress, yet that comes out a winner at the end of the rat race! Not a winner as in win or lose but becomes an artist and achieves fulfillment in a life well spent and dedicated to unravelling value and exposing insincerity.

Author Biography

  • Ralf G. Will



Ansel Adams: „The role of the artist in the environmental movement“, by Robert Turnage, in „The Living Wilderness“, USA, 1980.

Omar Badsha: „South Africa, The Cordoned Heart, 20 South African

Photographers“, The Gallery Press, Cape Town, 1986. David Bailey: „Bailey`s Stardust“, 250 Portraits at National Portrait Gallery, London, 2016.

Nordsjealland Lokalavisen: „Sydafrikans Fotograf“, Best of RGW, Photo-show at Espergaerde Library, Copenhagen, 2015.

Anne Sinclair: „Lieber Picasso, wo bleiben meine Harlekine?“, from the French by B Hever-Schärer, btp pocketbooks, Germany, 2016.



How to Cite

Will, R. G. (2019). Photography: Pariah of Art or Outpost of Creativity?. Journal of Advance Research in Social Science and Humanities (ISSN 2208-2387), 5(5), 01-04.